By Los Kjarkas
Entre montañas y valles he nacido
Al esperar la dulce primavera
Al escuchar tu voz en el viento
me ha acariciado con un susurro
Entre montañas y valles he crecido
Me acunaron los huaynos en su encanto
Y al florecer mi tierra en su charango
Vi crecer las zampoñas con el viento
Wayayay ay ay ay ay ay ay wayayay
Wayayay ay ay ay ay ay ay wayayay
Way way way ay ay ay ay wayayay
Way way wayayay way ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay wayayay
Between mountains and valleys I was born
While waiting for the sweet springtime
Upon hearing your voice in the wind
It has caressed me with a whisper
Between mountains and valleys I have grown
The huaynos* cradled me in their spell
And when my land flowered in their charango,
I saw the pan flutes grow with the wind
* folkloric music form